Nam Taehyun Confesses To Checking Into Rehab - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


July 13, 2023 – Nam Taehyun confesses to his drug addiction past, his current debt, and his check-in to rehabilitation in an in-depth interview with KBS.

KBS held an interview with Nam Taehyun for a segment in their program In Depth 60 Minutes. During this segment, they spoke with Nam Taehyun about his struggles with drug addiction, debt, and rehabilitation. While working in the entertainment industry, Nam Taehyun talked about how he had to take diet pills, which were also classified as narcotics. He also spoke about how he had to take sleeping pills due to his insomnia. Although he started by taking medical-related drugs, he said how that opened the path to taking illegal drugs. 

Nam Taehyun also spoke about how his drug addiction ended up affecting him financially. Following the conclusion of his drug usage, Nam Taehyun found himself in 500 million KRW (about $395,000 USD) of debt. He has to sell not only his house but also his parents’ house due to the debt, and is soon planning on working at a restaurant as a part-time worker to continue paying off said debts. He has sold everything he owns of value except his guitar, which has sentimental value and is his cherished item. He also showed the production team the continued messages urging that he repay his debts.
