‘My Promise to PJ’: Daniel Baldwin’s Documentary About Those Left Behind After an Overdose - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

The Story Lives On –  

July 26, 2019 – “I felt robbed, I felt this is not the way the script was written by me,” said Baldwin. “He finally got it, he had three and a half years sober and then I got a phone call that the first time he went back out and used heroin again it was laced with fentanyl and he overdosed.” The Raynors say this hasn’t been easy. Life is no longer the same. Their first born is gone.

“I’m a different person now,” Patrick Raynor said. “Not always a good thing when you’re changed by something like this. Never a good thing actually.” Both Baldwin and the Raynors believe this film will touch a subject that not many take into account until it’s too late. It’s not only about getting the word out for Baldwin. It also helps him stay sober. “The service portion of my sobriety in my program is imperative for my staying sober,” said Baldwin. “So, another reason I’m doing this film is because unlike the one kid I’m going to take to coffee and take to a meeting and try to help him, I might reach five million people by doing this movie, and that’s part of what keeps me sober.”

Full Story @ WECT.com