MTV to premiere series on teenagers battling addiction

WATCH – A show showing the reality –  

August 31, 2020 – That’s why she decided to let others see what the battle of addiction looks like. It’s a story that – while it may be difficult to watch, and difficult for Lipinski, her students and staff to live through each day – is one that needs to be told, she said. That particular year at the school, much of which was caught on camera, was particularly difficult, said Lipinski. Eight members of the school community died that year – a current student, a former student working as an intern, and others who had attended the school in the past. Those losses are catastrophic for a small student body – the school had 55 students last year.

But the benefits of allowing the rest of America in to see what it’s like for teenagers and young adults battling addiction, and the work that can be done to help them via intervention, is worth it, Lipinski said.

“Definitely for me and for my staff, and for my students and their families, the benefit [is] being able to normalize it,” she said in a recent interview with, noting that families of her students supported having the school’s story told.
