Mother finds addiction support on Nextdoor - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 21, 2021 – McClure is an open book when it comes to her road to recovery after drug addiction. On the app, she shares her struggles and more importantly, her victories. She has narrowed life down from taking it one day at a time to taking it one moment at a time.

“I want to inspire people to keep going. Life is not over,” McClure said.

That’s because in the past, her drug addiction cost her everything — including custody of her children. What’s even worse is she lost their father to an overdose.

He, like McClure, had also gone public on Nextdoor about his addiction before drugs took his life.

“He had posted on there that he was depressed, and a lot of the  neighbors responded to him, but he didn’t respond back,” McClure said.