Mom Says 17-Year-old Son Was Denied Treatment For His Drug Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Feb. 8, 2022 – Benton says she was stunned when her 17-year-old son was discharged from Novant without receiving any treatment.

“Told my dad, you have to come get him. We can’t help him until he’s an adult. So bring him back when he turns 18,” Benton said. “But he might not make it until he’s 18.”

Benton says she was unaware of regulations around drugs used to treat younger addicts and says someone shouldn’t be denied help just because of their age.

“They should never turn a child away, that’s our future,” Benton. “These people are going to be running our country one day.”

Kenny House with Coastal Horizons says the main priority with their organization is the health and future of the addict.
