David Ellefson, “The Beauty of Sobriety is You Get to Have a Second Life...


Feb. 6, 2021 – Since I wasn’t getting drunk passing out on airplanes I had plenty of free time to read. That’s what actually started it. That’s the beauty of sobriety; you get to have a second life in one lifetine. All of these things I probably never would have thought of because I was getting intoxicated, suddenly having sober mind and judgement, I was going ‘Wow, let me open up a laptop and start writing.” The description reads: The Sledge Chronicles: Rock Star Hitman is the first chapter in the action-packed saga of Sledge; an up and coming musician who uncovers a startling quid pro quo: in exchange for achieving his dreams of Rock stardom, he must enlist as a ruthless killer for a clandestine agency. Filled with twists, turns, screams, and even laughs, Rock Star Hitman is the cult thriller you’ve been dying for.

Ellefson states, “I’ve been on a quest to create an original thriller fiction book for some time now, and I’m beyond thrilled to announce it with Rock Star Hitman. I wanted there to be familiarity to my fans in an almost autobiographical way, but with characters and storyline which are clearly fictional. I think metal and horror/thriller fans are going to like it!”
