Sharing Beauty Enhances Sobriety – 

FEB. 14, 2020  – In the attempt to recover from alcoholism, Flores, 56, began to sell bouquets in the same streets he once tramped, begging for alcohol or the money to buy it in the Pilsen area. In the attempt to recover from alcoholism, Flores, 56, began to sell bouquets in the same streets he once tramped, begging for alcohol or the money to buy it in the Pilsen area. He did it. Nearly 10 years later, Flores is still sober and continues to peddle flowers, now in the Gage Park neighborhood.

Though now he walks at a slower pace after hurting one of his knees and has a smile that shows his worn teeth, he is happy and “eager to keep fighting in whatever way I can,” Flores said in Spanish in a recent phone interview.
