Maintaining Your Sobriety During the Holiday Season - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 7, 2023 – Whether you are watching commercials on TV, scanning your social media, or listening to the radio, the idea of alcohol use being equivalent to holiday merriment is everywhere. These influences can make the holidays challenging for someone in recovery from addiction or struggling with an active addiction.

If you are planning to attend a holiday gathering with family, friends, or colleagues from work, make a plan now to stay sober. Knowing in advance how you are going to manage thoughts of substance abuse is important to your success. Suggestions from the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation include:

Attend a 12-step meeting before the party.

Bring a sober friend or attend with someone in your support system.

Make plans to call your sponsor if you need the support.

Practice politely refusing alcohol and other drugs.

Limit your time around stressful situations and difficult people. Have a way to excuse yourself from a conversation if feelings become overwhelming.

Keep a non-alcoholic beverage in your hand so people are less likely to offer you a drink. There are many “mocktails” and other non-alcoholic options available.

Avoid having someone make a drink for you and accidentally ingesting alcohol.

Have an escape plan.