Local Family Celebrates Sobriety and Togetherness at Christmas - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Home Sweet Home – 

December 25, 2019  – After years of anguish and many overdoses, the monthly medication Vivitrol has given Kaitlin her life back. “It’s so worth it. To be there for your family and yourself, your friends,” Harvey said. “I go to church. I’m there for the people at church. I pray. I feel like I’m someone God can be proud of again.” Cavanaugh wrote a book about their journey, titled “If You Love Me.” She also created an organization called Magnolia New Beginnings. There are 25,000 members in her online support groups. She said the best gift anyone can give is checking in with friends who are struggling, as well as their families, who also need support: “There are many people I know that won’t have their child or loved one at the table,” Cavanagh said. “I know how lucky I am.”

Full Story @CBSBoston