Letter from Editor - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Letter from Editor




Reflections of a Conference Goer


In 2013, I created the Addiction Recovery eBulletin® to insure every counselor, treatment provider, mental health practitioner; addiction survivor and the general population would have easy access up-to-date articles, videos, essays and professional opinions regarding the universe of addiction and treatment. I wanted the eBulletin to encourage the saved to stay that way and the afflicted to seek help before its too late.

Please share the good news — treatment works, recovery is possible and preferable.

Thank you for your readership and advertisements. We could not continue to publish without the generous and fearless support of our advertisers. The more the merrier. Let the world know you chose truth over deception. It’s facts, information and success stories that define the rehab business.

The treatment industry is a $35 billion dollar a year bonanza/gold rush according to Forbes Magazine, attracting the cunning and the greedy. Not everyone is a culprit. The heart of the industry is equitable, fair and compassionate. The eBulletin’s motto is, Stick with the “good guys.”

Addicts and their families deserve to be emboldened and not bamboozled.

In the last three months, I’ve had the privilege of attending and participating in four phenomenal Treatment business conferences. All of these, I am thrilled to report, featured well known speakers, and new teachers from around the globe. Imparting sage advice and useful wisdom to attentive peers and concerned clinicians. Each conference had its own unique taste and flavor, yet similar in terms of goals, i.e. help people out of bondage to freedom.  Topics included everything from ethics to better billing methods. Learned individuals too numerous to list, but some I must mention:


The topics alone can teach you something.


Foundations’ Innovations at Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego, CA April 3-5, 2017

Some of the presenters:

  • Using an Integrated Engagement Model (IEM): Treatment Protocols for Long-Term Recovery and Life Fulfillmentby Holly Daniels, PhD, LMFT and Oriana Murphy, MA, CADC-II, LCSW

  • Ethics by Rob Waggener, LCSW, FACHE

  • Integrity: A New Measurement Standard in Recovery and Behavioral Health

It’s a Family AffairDr. Ronnie Blakeney, EdD, Dr. Charles D. Blakeney and Yeshaia Blakeney

  • Are Your Clients a Pain?: Chronic Pain, Mental Health and Substance Abuse:

Louise Stanger, EdD, LCSW, CDWF, CIP and Dr. James Flowers, CEO of Driftwood Recovery


iCAAD  London, UK, May 1-3, 2017 Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington

Some of the workshops:

  • Oxygen and brain plasticity: Professor Philip James Dr Frank Lawlis

  • Dufflyn Lammers Pop Up Theater

  • The curse of the spotlight: the challenges of celebrity culture in addiction treatment: Paul Hokemeyer Jan Gerber

  • Building Resilience in Youth, Families, and CommunitiesJudith Landau

  • Relieve stress informed by hypno-psychotherapy with Elizabeth Hearn

  • Case management: navigation tools for the journey: Mike Ferguson & Johan Sorensen


National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers’ NAATP National Addiction Leadership Conference at Omni’s Barton Creek Resort, Austin, Texas. May 21-23, 2017

Some of the offerings:

  • Marvin Ventrell: ‘Charting our Fields’ Trajectory’

  • Dr. Kimberly Johnson: ‘Facing Addiction in America- the surgeon general’s report on alcohol, drugs, and health.’

  • Denise Bertin-Epp: ‘Key issues in treatment center operation: An Environmental Scan’

  • Kevin McCauley: ‘Application of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy…’

and many more…


C4’s West Coast Symposium for Addictive Disorders at Waldorf Astoria’s La Quinta Resort, La Quinta, CA June 1- 4, 2017