Leah’s Legacy Supports Women In Recovery - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 2, 2024 – Leah Renee Straley’s cause of death was listed as fentanyl poisoning. Her family says her struggles with addiction began more than a decade earlier and persisted through 12 stays in detox centers. The Straleys built Leah’s Legacy around efforts to gift personal care items to women living in sober-living homes. They do so while remembering how their daughter was so excited to receive a bag with toiletries during Christmas Each Leah’s Legacy drawstring bag has high-quality socks, hairbrushes, deodorant, puzzle books, body wash, snacks and more. More than 500 have been gifted to women in recovery

Leah Straley’s loved ones expanded the organization’s reach to include Leah’s Gathering Place, a home where they run a bake shop, life skills meetings and workshops, and offer spa-like sessions for those in recovery.

“Our goal is to become a resource hub and have a certified recovery specialist or certified family recovery specialist work at Leah’s Gathering Place and be open during specific days,” Robin Straley said, saying they have been seeking grants for the position.

Mike Straley authored “The CALLing,” a book that takes readers on an emotional journey of parents struggling to understand their own daughter’s battle with addiction, the grief of losing a child and their valiant efforts to make a difference in the lives of others fighting the same addiction.