Judge Asked to Rule in Favor of Drugmakers in Opioids Trial - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Law and Disorder – 

July 3, 2019 – Another witness called this week, Drue Diesselhorst, was a sales representative for Janssen from 2003 to 2012. She testified that she was not aware, despite calling on doctors dozens of times, that some had patients who had died of opioid overdose. One she called on 57 times had seven patients who died of opioid toxicity, documents submitted by the state showed. A doctor she visited at least 90 times was reprimanded for pre-signing prescriptions for pain medications. Another she called on repeatedly was reprimanded for his own use of opioids. An attorney for the state read out loud about conditions of a “pill mill” described in a report related to a law enforcement investigation of another of Diesselhorst’s “target” doctors.

Full Story @ JournalRecord.com