August 1, 2023 – “There have been many, many, many points when I said ‘I don’t think I’ll ever make another movie again’ … I’ve said it for a long time, because I watched my parents who both were monster stars…I watched them no longer get to do the work that made them stars. I watched them just be famous people who used to work. And it killed them. And it’s heartbreaking,” said Curtis. “And so, I always felt I better get out before they no longer ask me.” Yet Curtis said every time she has been tempted to retire, she gets a job that transforms the next five years of her life. “It’s crazy. It’s absolutely beautiful,” she said.

Scarborough said that there are two women he has met who actually love talking about their age: Curtis and his wife, Know Your Value founder Mika Brzezinski. “You are comfortable where you are. And you completely embrace it,” noted Scarborough.