It’s ‘life or death’: Recovering addict wants to reinvent SF response to drug crisis - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Important Article –

Dec. 20, 2019 – PHOTOS SHOW – • Salvation Army case manager Thomas Wolf says S.F. should focus more on stopping drug use than on harm reduction. • Thomas Wolf’s booking photo after his 2018 drug-related arrest in the Tenderloin.• Wolf speaks with police Officer Nick Jacobs outside UC Hastings College of Law, where Wolf would sleep when he was homeless. • Wolf has been named to the city’s new Street-Level Drug Dealing Task Force, which will start meeting regularly in January to help San Francisco develop new ways to combat its drug crisis. • Wolf at the bus stop outside UC Hastings College of Law, near where he slept when he was homeless. •Wolf was an employed father of two, husband and homeowner in Daly City before succumbing to opioid addiction and winding up homeless in the Tenderloin.

Full Story @SFChronicle