Issa Ibrahim: Person of the Week   - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Issa Ibrahim: Person of the Week  

Issa Ibrahim is a visual artist, author, musician, and filmmaker born and raised in Queens, New York. He is the author of the memoir ‘The Hospital Always Wins’ published by Chicago Review Press and has been featured in an HBO documentary and an award-winning NPR audio story.

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your drug(s) of choice and when is your sobriety date?

A. Marijuana. Thanksgiving 2017.

Q. What do you like most about 12-step meetings?

A. It’s a leveling of the field. We’re all wounded and damaged and in need of help. No one is better than the other.

3. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice, or a wicked twist of fate?

A. A deliciously wicked mix of all of those.

Q. Who is your favorite celebrity in recovery?

A. The ones who I don’t know about.

Q. If you ever retire, would you prefer to live by the ocean, lake, river, mountaintop, desert, or penthouse?

A. I AM retired(!) But I will always do my art, so in a way I’m blessed. Doesn’t matter where I live so long as I can live with myself.

Q. Is there anything special in your sobriety toolkit that helps keep you sober?

A. Acceptance. And contentment.

Q. How do you measure success?

A. By how happy I am in the quiet moments, without all the toys and accouterments (distractions).

QWhat is your biggest pet peeve?

A. Dishes in the sink…oh, and racism.

Q. If you had an extra million dollars, which charity would you donate it to?

A. Homelessness.

Q. Who has been the biggest influence throughout your life?

A. My cat, Skitzy…she is so chill and Zen. She’s really taught me how to live.

Q. From what school of thought or teacher did you learn the most from?

A. Polish artist and actor Bolek Greczyinski. He lived wild, and well, but was always grounded.

Q. Where are you from and where do you reside now?

A. From Jamaica, Queens, NY. Now living in Jackson Heights, Queens, NY.

Q. If you were giving a dinner party for your 3 favorite authors, living or dead, who would they be?

A. James Baldwin, Voltaire, The Marquis de Sade, and maybe Stan Lee, if he could keep his ego in check.

Q. What is your Astrological sign?

A. Gemini.

Q. What’s your concept of a Higher Power?

A. Just that, the creator, the architect of all this madness, only ramps up the madness so we can learn lessons about ourselves and how to cope.

Q. What book(s) have you read more than once?

A. The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Q. Which film have you watched the most?

A. A Hard Day’s Night.

Q. Who is your favorite film director?

A. James Whale.

Q. What surprised you most about living sober?

A. The level of complete contentment…unadorned bliss.

Q. If you could give advice to your younger self what would it be?

A. Ease up on that weed, will ya.

Q. What books are you reading now?

A. Mad Studies Reader, a compendium of short stories and essays from the anti-psychiatry movement.

Q. What is your favorite App?

A. Instagram.

Q. Are you binge watching any TV series?

A. Not currently, but I would like to catch The Last of Us, and Severance. I hear they’re good.

Q. What is your favorite play or musical?

A. Bye Bye Birdie.

Q. Who is your favorite performer, living or dead?

A. Dick Van Dyke, and Prince.

Q. What is your favorite musician and or band?

A. The Beatles.

Q. What is one word you would use to describe yourself?

A. Thoughtful.

Q. What is your favorite city?

A. Amsterdam.

Q. What is your favorite restaurant?

A. Poppy’s in Floral Park, NY…it recently closed…so sad.

Q. What is your favorite cuisine?

A. Italian.

Q. What is the best piece of advice someone has given you?

A. Protect your heart.

Q. What is the best piece of advice you’ve given someone else?

A. Be yourself.

Q. Have you ever been arrested and, if so, what for?

A. Yes, once…and never again.

Q. What is one thing that always makes you smile?

A. My girlfriend’s smile.

Q. What was the proudest moment in your life?

A. Still living and looking for it.

Q. What is a style trend you wish would come back?

A. ’60s British Invasion.

Q. What do you love most about yourself?

A. My sincerity, I suppose.

Q. What is your biggest fear?

A. Alzheimer’s.

Q. Where do you go when you want to be alone?

A. In my mind.

Q. What is your biggest regret?

A. Accidentally taking my mother’s life.

Q. What is the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?

A. Still looking for it.

Q. What is something you are currently curious about?

A. God.