Sept. 28, 2023 – Changes in Consciousness 

One of the first signs of a possible drug overdose is a sudden change in consciousness. This can include extreme drowsiness, confusion, or difficulty staying awake. If a person is unable to respond coherently to questions or seems disoriented, it’s time to take action.

Difficulty Breathing

Respiratory depression is a serious symptom of a drug overdose. Shallow or labored breathing, irregular breathing patterns, or even complete cessation of breathing can occur. If you notice someone struggling to breathe or gasping for air, seek medical help immediately.


If a person is unresponsive to stimuli, such as shouting their name or gentle shaking, it could be a sign of an overdose. Unresponsiveness may be accompanied by pale or clammy skin, as well as bluish lips or fingertips, indicating a lack of oxygen circulation.

Vomiting and Nausea

Excessive vomiting, especially if it is persistent and uncontrollable, can be indicative of an overdose. This is a concerning sign as it can lead to choking, dehydration, and further complications. AND MORE!  
