I’m So Sick of Talking About My Sobriety, I Ghosted My Sponsor - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


March 23, 2025 – I’m almost at five months sober now, and I’ve found myself getting tired and less motivated with AA. I did 90 in 90 and was so keen on it, and then I just hit a wall. I find myself just kind of bored with it all. I got a sponsor and started step work but to be entirely honest with you, I got sick of him calling. I have found myself ghosting his calls the past two weeks!

I just can’t be bothered to talk about my sobriety. It’s not that I’m isolating and feeling depressed or anything. Quite the opposite. I’m feeling otherwise motivated with life, sociable with friends, starting a new course in horticulture, exercising and meditating twice a day. I’m doing all the “good” stuff and feeling great about it.

It’s not that I’m saying “I’m fixed! I don’t need AA!” It’s just more, I’m feeling a bit of sobriety-chat burnout. I just want to be normal and happy and talk about normal shit, like what books I’m reading, etc.