If You Went a Month Without Alcohol - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 7, 2023 – Giving up booze for Sober October could save you from more than a wicked hangover.

Experts say ditching alcohol for a month could lead to healthier skin, weight loss, better sleep and lower the risk for future health scares.

In the first week alone of the sober spooky season, sleep should improve and it should be easier to wake up, as research has shown that regular alcohol consumption could lead to insomnia symptoms.

“Although some people find drinking alcohol helps them get to sleep more quickly, it disrupts the important Rapid Eye Movement stage of sleep, leaving you feeling tired the next day — no matter how long you stay in bed,” Drinkaware CEO Karen Tyrell told the Daily Mail.

According to GoodRx, enjoying a pint of witches brew could lead to less REM sleep and could cause more waking up in the middle of the night.

Glowing skin is an expected symptom of sobriety as soon as two weeks after giving up spirits.