“I would have up to 18 cans a day... I lost everything because of drink” - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Time to Come Clean –

SEPT. 6,  2018 – Recovering alcoholic Kev Baddeley recently marked 16 months sober – after turning his life around and kicking his habit. Kev, of Stoke, found himself drinking 12 to 18 cans a day, and regularly slipped alcohol in his work bag before leaving for his job as a cleaner in the morning. But after a stint in rehab the 35-year-old found himself at a crossroads, where he felt he could have either turned back to alcohol or find the help he needed to finally kick the habit once and for all. Kev decided to approach Stoke Recovery on September 4 last year and now, just over a year later, finds himself volunteering at the Secret Garden – a new project launched for recovering addicts.

Full Story @ StokeSentinel.co.uk