‘I was homeless and a drug addict, but now I’m London’s happiest bus driver’ - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

High On Propriety –

November 23, 2019 – I hit rock bottom. I was homeless on and off for 20 years. I used to think the world owed me but then I’d still wake up homeless and hungry. I became addicted to class A drugs. I hung around with people I shouldn’t have. I was beaten up and held hostage for four hours. I was convinced I was going to die. I thought of my children and so I prayed and reached out to the universe. I ended up in hospital and explained to the doctors that I had a drug problem.They called social services and I started getting drug treatment. From there I started getting into self-development through podcasts and YouTube videos. I changed my mindset and realised what I was doing was wrong and that’s when I put a stop to it all. It’s been a difficult road but five years on, I’m grateful I was given an opportunity to live.

I’m in a different place and frame of mind. I remember reading that whatever job you have, even if you don’t like it, do the best you can do as it’ll help you grow as a person and eventually it will lead you to the thing you want to do in life.

Full Story @TheGuardian