‘I was 30 and a high-functioning cocaine addict’ - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Nov. 15, 2024 – You can get coke quicker than a takeaway in some cities, says Hannah Viney. Is it any wonder so many are struggling? It took me almost a decade of using before coke brought me to my knees at the age of 30, but what started out as a bit of fun, ended up morphing into something beyond my control.

It stripped me of my entire personality, my life was a mess. I know I’m not the only one who’s been lost like that either; since sharing my story on social media, it appears thousands of others are too. And I want to help them love their life the way that I do now.

I was 20 when I moved from Oxfordshire to London. I got a job at an estate agents and that’s when I was first introduced to coke. I remember so clearly how it quietened the noise in my head – something that rarely happens due to my ADHD. I liked the way cocaine made me feel, and I ended up going out two Thursdays on the trot with the receptionist, drinking and taking coke. By the third Thursday, I’d been fired and that wasn’t the last job I’d lose.
