Hunter Biden Opens Up About the ‘Never-Ending Tunnel’ of Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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July 03, 2019 – “I was in that darkness,” Hunter explained. “I was in that tunnel — it’s a never-ending tunnel. You don’t get rid of it. You figure out how to deal with it.” Hunter told The New Yorker that he started drinking socially as a teenager. He later picked up smoking when he was a student at Georgetown in Washington, D.C.

He said he even once tried crack after it was sold to him instead of cocaine. But despite not using the drug before or having the correct drug paraphernalia, he used it anyway, stuffing the crack into a cigarette and smoked it. “It didn’t have much of an effect,” he told the publication. Hunter also went into detail about his battle with alcoholism, saying in 2003 his ex-wife Kathleen Biden begged him to get sober. She encouraged him to refrain from drinking 30 days at a time.

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