How to quit vaping for good: 8 tips from addiction experts - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Decision Time –

December 27, 2019 – Speaking to an expert might be what you need to quit for good. While you might not find a rehab center near you that treats only nicotine addiction, most rehab centers for alcohol and other drugs are equipped to treat nicotine addiction. For a more personalized approach, try outpatient counseling that includes cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. 

You can also use a free, confidential text or call line to talk to an expert about addiction. The National Institutes of Health offers both a call lineand an online chat system, and provides nicotine cessation resources specifically for men, women, teens, military veterans and seniors. 

Truth Initiative, a nonprofit that works to end tobacco and nicotine use, offers a text-to-quit messaging system specifically to help people (especially young people) quit using e-cigarettes. While many call lines operate as or call themselves “smoking cessation” hotlines, keep in mind that the trained experts on the other side of the line help with e-cigarette use as well.

Full Story @CNET