How Practicing Mindfulness Can Strengthen Recovery


June 7, 2021 – In the simplest of terms, mindfulness refers to the concept of focusing solely on the present. To be helpful, this must be accomplished with great mental discipline. Rationally, we can tell ourselves that it’s helpful to concentrate only on the here and now, but it is extremely hard not to let our thoughts wander toward the mistakes of our past or anxieties for the future. Mindfulness was originally shared as a way of achieving complete spiritual enlightenment as a part of Buddhism. By letting go of everything beyond the present moment, the Buddha was able to ascend to a different state of mind. However, despite its long and ancient history, modern scientists have recognized the value of this practice for a variety of purposes, including the treatment of addiction. Various academic texts, including this article published in the Addiction Science & Clinical Practice journal and made available by the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, have confirmed its validity and potential, and as a result, mindfulness is commonly included as a component in multiple different forms of therapy. There is no denying that this practice can be a powerful aid in the process of rehabilitation.
