How Business Can Become Recovery-Friendly by Leslie Glass - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Sept. 1 2021 – Sobriety should be honored and celebrated because, to use the lowest common denominator, it’s just good for business. When people seek treatment for their addiction, absenteeism and illnesses decrease and they become physically and mentally healthier. Productivity increases. Employees are more motivated and focused on their daily and long-term tasks. Behavior improves. The lying and covering up that people do to hide their use ends, and employees are more service-oriented (service is part of recovery). There’s no downside for businesses that support the recovery of their employees.

This is a new idea. It means bringing a mental health issue out of hiding and shining a light on the benefits of becoming healthy. It is also where honesty comes in. Another principle of recovery is being honest and telling the truth about every aspect of your life. But what if you can’t tell your colleagues the truth about your most positive asset? The profound conflict between honesty and anonymity is particularly painful in business environments. If you’re sober and adhere to the principle of anonymity, you know what I mean. You avoid after-hours and business social events because you don’t want the endless questions about why you don’t drink. You may feel isolated or left out. You may feel ashamed that other people can drink and you can’t. There is no greater stress in the workplace than being forced to hide who you really are. It doesn’t matter what you are hiding — it hurts.
