May 3, 2024 – “Father Greg Boyle, who has changed countless lives as pastor of a disadvantaged Catholic parish in Los Angeles … through your pioneering gang intervention programs, reminds us the power of redemption and rehabilitation and our obligation to those who have been condemned or counted out,” said President Joe Biden. Homeboy Industries doesn’t just offer employment opportunities for those with nowhere left to go, but it also offers support, love, and hope.

Many of those who now work at Homeboy Industries went through the program, including Pamela Herrera, who has worked as the general manager of Homegirl Cafe for 13 years. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired,” she said. “I was always at the rock bottom, and I felt I was more than that. He had a dream. A purpose. It came to life, and he provided a place where I can heal.”

Those at Homeboy Industries – and everyone in L.A. connected to Boyle – say the award highlights those marginalized in the community and recognizes their ability to turn their lives around.