Happy Birthday Tom Robbins! Now 90 Years Old! - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


July 19, 2022 – Tom Robbins was born July 22, 1932 in Blowing Rock, North Carolina. A quick scan of his Wikipedia page underscores the enormous contributions he has made to American literature. He has penned more than eight novels, as well as multiple short stories and essays. Titles include “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” (1976), “Another Roadside Attraction” (1971), “Still Life with Woodpecker” (1980), “Jitterbug Perfume” (1984), Skinny Legs and All” (1990), “Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas” (1994), “Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates” (2000), “Villa Incognito” (2003), “Wild Ducks Flying Backward” (2005), “B Is for Beer” (2009) and, of course, “Tibetan Peach Pie” (2014).

Robbins’ work has been translated in multiple languages and his publisher, marking his immense vision, gave him an unusual allowance. He was permitted to design his book covers through his friend Les Le Pere, a wheat farmer and graphic translator of conceptual ideas.

In his cabin, Robbins types away at his computer. A gold colored settee occupies a space nearby. There, arranged in soldier-like formation, two rows of unshelled peanuts await dispatch to the squirrels that have taken up residency in the courtyard. In attendance on this day are Purrcy the cat, occupying the uppermost reaches of the cabin, while doggies Taffy and Tulip work the sunny spot on the rug. Alexa, Robbins’ wife of 32 years, is making tea. A large-screened computer has replaced his typewriter of yesteryear as sharpened pencils and bright yellow legal pads patiently await his next thoughts.
