Gym Offers Free Workouts and Recovery Meetings


Feb. 15, 2021 – Jurewicz says it’s the people who don’t believe they are in recovery – those that come for the workout and scurry away before the meeting – that are the most “heartbreaking.”

“All of us are in recovery from life, from society, from pressures, from social media, from all of it, just fear for living and surviving,” she says. “We can help to increase awareness in what recovery really looks like and how wonderful and beneficial it is for everyone, and not just for the second-class citizens who didn’t figure it out. None of us have figured out life.”

Moving forward: The Guilford Athletic Center Recovery Move program is growing, and Zeidenberg and Jurewicz plan for that to continue. 

Up until this summer, Guilford Athletic Center was tied to CrossFit. After Greg Glassman’s controversial statements in June, Zeidenberg chose to disaffiliate. 

As of right now, he doesn’t have plans to re-affiliate, instead, he wants to move the gym even more towards the recovery community by adding classes and working with sober living communities. He and Jurewicz are also looking for funding avenues in hopes of providing scholarships to those who are in recovery and want to join the gym, but can’t afford it.
