Gabor Mate Says Our Culture is Killing Us  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


July, 2024 – We often equate normality with health. But what constitutes normal in Western societies? Esteemed physician and addiction specialist Gabor Maté explores the root causes of our physical and emotional ailments, linking personal suffering to the stresses of contemporary life.  Illness and trauma are shaping our existence. Nearly half of Europeans deal with high blood pressure, and close to seventy percent of Americans use at least one prescription medication.

Drawing from over forty years of clinical practice, Dr. Gabor Maté challenges the standard definition of ‘normal.’ He argues that most diseases are a natural consequence of living in a dysfunctional culture that distances us from our authentic selves. Featuring stories of individuals struggling with illness or celebrating recovery, this inspiring talk by the respected physician and author illustrates that true health is attainable if we prioritize authenticity over societal expectations.