Former BMX pro shares story of overcoming drug addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Carrying the Message –

March 13, 2018 – As a senior in high school, Tony Hoffman was one of the top BMX amateur racers in the country and was slated to appear on the cover of the nation’s leading BMX magazine. Three years later, at age 21, Hoffman found himself in court facing 17 and a half years in prison after committing an armed robbery to support his addiction to prescription pills. Despite what seems like a dramatic fall from grace, Hoffman describes his journey as a series of small decisions that ultimately set him on the wrong path: A bad attitude and struggles with anxiety in middle school. Starting to smoke weed and drink in high school. And eventually, the decision to start using prescription pills. Without knowing it, Hoffman had walked through “the door.” Most people aren’t even aware the door exists, but once you walk through it there’s no going back…

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