Focusing More on Recovery, Not Relapse - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 23, 2021 – The Bottom Line: Flexibility in Treatment Is Key. Each of these individuals came from a different demographic background. Still, if their therapists had been working from an outdated, “one size fits all” framework, they would have been subject to the same fate. They would have to return to a higher level of care after their first recurrence, leaving them with the feeling that their therapists gave up on them after their first mistake.

Imagine each time we made a mistake and the people we believed were supportive gave up on us and made us feel like failures. What would motivate us to get back on the horse and “bounce back?”

Finding supportive, creative solutions with my clients throughout their ups and downs kept them engaged in treatment and helped them learn the benefit of living a sober lifestyle independently.

By meeting clients where they are, counselors and therapists can motivate individuals to remain in treatment and achieve the successful lives in recovery that they aspire to have.
