The FDA says avoid more than 100 hand sanitizers

WATCH – Another reason not to drink it –  

August 1, 2020 – The Food and Drug Administration’s list of hand sanitizers to avoid because they may contain methanol continues to grow.

As of Saturday, the FDA’s “do-not-use list of dangerous hand sanitizer products” now includes 101 varieties of hand sanitizer that should be avoided – some that have already been recalled and other products being recommended for recalls – as they may contain methanol, a potentially fatal ingredient. 

Methanol is a toxic substance when absorbed through skin or ingested.

“FDA continues to find issues with certain hand sanitizer products. FDA test results show certain hand sanitizers have concerningly low levels of ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol, which are active ingredients in hand sanitizer products,” the federal agency said. “The agency urges consumers not to use these subpotent products and has expanded its list to include subpotent hand sanitizers, in addition to hand sanitizers that are or may be contaminated with methanol.
