Jan. 17, 2024 – HB Publications today announced the release of The Old Testament 12 Step Workbook: A 90 Day Program of Bible-Based Addiction Recovery. Written by Boruch Binyamin, this life-changing 90-day program enables recovering alcoholics and addicts an opportunity to work through the Twelve Steps based on the eternal wisdom of the Old Testament.

The workbook is intended to help people from religious backgrounds gain an understanding of 12 step work based on the Bible. 

“I wrote this workbook based on my own experience of getting sober,” explained Binyamin. “I wanted to integrate my religious background and identity into the program, so I went through the Bible and started making notes. Out of this came the workbook and several other books. If you are struggling with addiction, this workbook can help you on your journey to get—and stay—sober in AA and other 12-step programs through the inspirational power of the Old Testament.”

This 12-step addiction recovery workbook offers a 90-day program of recovery that spans all five books of the Old Testament. For each day, the workbook shares a Biblical verse, along with insights and comments that will enable the recovering alcoholic or addict to form a closer connection with his or her Higher Power. For each day, this workbook also asks questions and suggests journaling exercises that help the reader work the twelve steps with greater spiritual self-awareness.