Exploring Sobriety Through Sober Curious Movement - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 13, 2022 – Sober curious often involves rethinking alcohol consumption. That often results in reducing the amount of alcohol consumed or abstaining completely.

“If you see the little problems popping up in your life from casual drinking here and there, and you say hey I want to try and see if I can do this without drinking at all, this is your opportunity to kind of confront those things and give it a shot,” said Lassiter.

Through more open and honest conversations about alcohol use, many realized even their casual drinking had gotten out of hand.

“If you’re someone who says if I’m anxious or had a stressful day, I want to blow steam off with a drink. There are other coping skills that are much healthier for your body,” said Lassiter.
