Entire Neighborhood Sets up Booby Traps to Protect Themselves from Drug Addicts - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Aug. 16, 2023 – Kensington has gained international attention for its excessive public drug use and has become a focal point for high crime and poverty in the City of Brotherly Love. The neighborhood had among the worst violent and drug crime rates citywide over a 30-day period ending Aug. 14, according to data compiled by The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“I couldn’t imagine the customers to my business having to come through all this chaos just to support my business,” Rodriguez, a business owner himself, told Fox News. “Who wants to come down to this neighborhood … to shop here? Who wants to do that? Nobody.” In Kensington, frail men and women slumped over stoops muster the strength to inject themselves for another fix. Others, half-clothed, stumble through the busy road or sprawl out on the sidewalk passed out from fentanyl or tranq — or both. Overdose kits, syringes and trash is perpetually scattered across Kensington Avenue.