June 20, 2024 – When a photo of David Hobbs arrested in a Captain America costume went viral, it could have been the most embarrassing moment of his life, but Hobbs says that was the moment his life was saved.

Hobbs, 41, grew up in Clarksdale, Mississippi. His father was an alcoholic and Hobbs was an addict by age 15.

“I smoked weed at 13, then came the drinking, then, when I was 16 a doctor prescribed pain medication after I got hurt in a skateboarding accident,” said Hobbs, of Lawrenceville. “I learned quickly if you mix Lortab with alcohol, all your insecurities disappear.”

Hobbs tried cocaine at age 18 and had a couple bad car accidents that led to more pain medication prescriptions. Next came methamphetamines.

“I’d stop using meth here and there for maybe six months or a year, but I could never quit the narcotics,” said Hobbs. “I took 18 to 36 every day. There may be a time when I went a day or two without them, but only if I couldn’t get it. If I had $20 in my pocket, I’d buy narcotics.”