Dr. Explains what happens when a person uses cocaine or heroin for the first time - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 9, 2022  – Around 100 million people consume illicit drugs such as cocaine or heroin in India – this revelation was made by the Narcotics Control Bureau DDG (Operations) Sanjay Kumar Singh in an interview to Moneycontrol in June 2022. These are just the reported numbers; the actual estimates are significantly higher. Moreover, the country is seeing a rise in drug seizures ever since the pandemic struck – 343 kg of heroin was confiscated in 2020, 1052 kg in 2021, and 331 kg had been seized until May 2022.

So why do people get hooked to cocaine or heroin? Let’s dive into the biomechanism of how these drugs are processed by the body when consumed for the first time. 
