Doctors Seeing Cannabis Hyperemesis (vomiting) Syndrome Surge - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Nov. 26, 2021 – There have been reports of a “mysterious vomiting illness” linked to marijuanaand there’s a name for it, too: Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome. “Doctors are seeing it more often now,” says Leah Sera, PharmD, MA, BCPS, assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science (PPS) at the School of Pharmacy, director of the MS in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics program, and a clinical pharmacist who practices in the field of palliative care. So what are the symptoms of Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? Read on for 5 essential things you need to know—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these. “Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome is a syndrome or condition that someone who is typically a regular user—most likely somebody who’s used it for over a year, and at least weekly use, but most often daily users—they experience a syndrome of cyclic vomiting, which means sort of intractable vomiting,” says Dr. Sera. “And it can get very serious because if someone is continually vomiting, then they’re losing fluids and they’re losing electrolytes, and then that can lead to other complications and organ dysfunction.”
