Disgraced Influencer Caroline Calloway on Sobriety - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


July 6, 2023 – This was the end of 2018. I was really in a pickle. I owed $100,000 to my publishers and they owned the copyright to all of the events in my life from birth up until 2016. I wanted to write, but as any former addict knows, the real stories are the addiction years. You don’t want there to be plot to your sobriety, you know?

I got to see a lot of deeply Seattle things though. I went to a concert in someone’s basement. I went to what I thought had to be the world’s largest rock-climbing gym but was actually one of many equally sized gyms scattered throughout the city. I got a Nalgene and put stickers on it. I went to the loveliest island and looked through ferry windows that framed everything like a Wes Anderson movie. The strangest thing about Seattle was that although I didn’t really like it, Seattle loved me…
