Discovering Truth about Our Brains and Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 10, 2024 – Ronstroem hopes to help answer one critical question: how does drug abuse influence reward pathways in the brain? Specifically, his research focuses on uncovering how some drugs, especially opiates and psychostimulants, affect certain brain circuits.

Ronstroem has been a prolific researcher and engaged student. He has written twelve grant proposals, and has been involved in six manuscripts, two of which he was the first author. Yorgason muses, “You can always count on [him] to ask excellent questions. He’s great at sharing advice and alternative perspectives on research and life.”

One of the reasons Ronstroem loves what he does is that he gets to help discover truth. He feels that discovering truths through science can bring you closer to God. “You’re learning more about Him and what He has created,” he reflects.

Ronstroem’s academic future looks bright as he continues to shed light on addiction and the brain.
