David Cohen, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is the Clinical Director and COO at Harmony Place in Woodland Hills, CA. Since 2003, he’s been a leader in addiction and co-occurring disorder treatment, advocating for ethical recovery practices while mentoring clients, clinicians, and students on their recovery journey.
Q. If you are in recovery, what was your drug(s) of choice and when is your sobriety date?
A. Heroin and anything I could get my hands on…Clean and sober since 12/12/1996.
Q. What do you like most about 12-step meetings?
A. I love all types of twelve step meetings, but I especially like men’s meetings and meetings that focus on learning and studying the Big Book. I also love that I can go to a meeting anywhere in the world and feel like I have a family.
Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice, or a wicked twist of fate?
A. I believe that addiction is disease of the heart and spirit that manifests with self-destructive behaviors including compulsive drug and alcohol use which inevitably changes our cell structure, brain chemistry and overall outlook, making recovery very complex and multi-faceted.
Q.Who is your favorite celebrity in recovery?
A. Me.
Q. If you ever retire, would you prefer to live by the ocean, lake, river, mountaintop, desert, or penthouse?
A. Since entering recovery I have always lived by the water. In Chicago, I lived on Lake Michigan and now I live on a beach! I prefer to retire by the water if I ever get a chance to do that. Being a social worker, I’m not sure!
Q. Is there anything special in your sobriety toolkit that helps keep you sober?
A. I always keep gratitude near and dear to the heart and always try to remain thankful specifically for the gift of sobriety.
Q. How do you measure success?
A. I try to live by the four absolutes, honesty, unselfishness, love, and purity. If I can get through a day with these principles in the forefront, that is a success!
Q. What is your biggest pet peeve?
A. Name dropping and one-upping.
Q. If you had an extra million dollars, which charity would you donate it to?
A. I would like to find a charity that focuses on advancing addiction treatment using technology and innovation as well as science and research.
Q.Who has been the biggest influence throughout your life?
A. Fictional LA homicide detective Harry Bosch and my father Avie Cohen.
Q. Where are you from and where do you reside now?
A. I was born in Peoria Illinois and lived in Chicago until 2016. I came to LA to closer to my mom who ultimately passed away in 2020 and now live in Malibu with my cat Lucy.
Q.If you were giving a dinner party for your 3 favorite authors, living or dead, who would they be?
A. Dean Koontz, Stephen King, and Michael Connelly.
Q. What is your Astrological sign?
A. Libra.
Q.What book(s) have you read more than once?
A. Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous.)
Q.Which film have you watched the most?
A. Taxi Driver (feel good movie.)
Q.Who is your favorite film director?
A. Martin Scorsese.
Q.What books are you reading now?
A. A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn; The Myth of Normal, Gabor Mate; You Like it Darker, Stephen King.
Q.What is your favorite App?
A. Tinder.
Q. Are you binge watching any TV series?
A. Landman and Reacher.
Q. What is your favorite play or musical?
A. Million Dollar Quartet.
Q. Who is your favorite performer, living or dead?
A. Paul McCartney.
Q. What is your favorite musician and or band?
A. Pearl Jam.
Q.What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
A. Crazy.
Q. What is your favorite city?
A. Chicago.
Q. What sport(s) do you like to play or watch?
A. Football and Basketball.
Q. What is your favorite restaurant?
A. Alinea in Chicago.
Q. What is your favorite cuisine?
A. Fine dining.
Q.Have you ever been arrested and, if so, what for?
A. Possession of heroin on Thanksgiving 1994 and obtaining a controlled substance illegally (watched the movie Drug Store Cowboy and took it literal.)
Q. What is one thing that always makes you smile?
A. Hanging out with my cat Lucy.
Q. What was the proudest moment in your life?
A. Earning my Bachelor’s and master’s in social work and graduating from rehab.
Q. What is a style trend you wish would come back?
A. Grunge.
Q.What do you love most about yourself?
A. I am very hard on myself overall and generally don’t think of myself in the greatest of light most of the time. This is definitely an area of much needed growth.
Q. What is your biggest fear?
A. Surgery.
Q.Where do you go when you want to be alone?
A. I love to walk the beach or ice dive into the ocean.
Q. What is the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?
A. Moving to California from Chicago.
Q. What is the hardest amends you’ve ever had to make?
A. To myself.
Q. How important is human connection?
A. Connection with others is very important but connection with self is even more important. I can’t truly connect with others unless I am aware of how I am feeling physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I usually get flooded when in large groups and this is an indicator that I need to get right with God and self first!
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