Dad Tells What Pushed Him to Sobriety After 20 Years of Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 18, 2022 – A Dublin dad-of-four who battled drug addiction for 20 years revealed how the thought of his beloved children pushed him to get sober.

Barry Cullen, 40, said his life is “a million miles” from where it was as he celebrated five years of sobriety. He told Dublin Live: “All I wanted was my kids back. When I was at death’s door, I just kept thinking about my poor children.

“I made a promise to myself when I was at the detox centre. I got this chance and I was going to take it with both hands and turn my life around.”

The Finglas man was just a young teen of 14 when he first started using heroin. He said: “I had easy access to it and I didn’t really know or understand it at the time. I would’ve been addicted at that stage as I was getting ready to sit my Junior Cert.

“When I was going into my third year of secondary school, I had to be taken to hospital because I was experiencing withdrawals.”
