Convict’s Remarkable Transformation After Beating 30 Year Drug Habit - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Feb. 27, 2022 – Shawn first took drugs at the age of 14, starting with cannabis and Valium.

His addiction to substances then grew and he started a life of crime to fund his habit. He first went to prison at just 17. But the former Sherwood Road resident has been clean from drugs for two years now which he says has ‘transformed his life’.

Shawn now lives in Castleford, West Yorkshire, and works at Reflections House Recovery as a mentor to people who are battling addictions.

He told Grimsby Live: “I was born and raised on the Grange Estate in Grimsby. I was kicked out of Western Comprehensive at the age of 14 back in the 1980s.
