Combating Addiction in California With Gov. Gavin Newsom - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 3, 2023 – As a state legislator and a lifelong Sacramentan, I see the challenges our communities are facing, and it’s clear to me that we need to be doing things differently. It’s time to think outside the box on issues of public safety and the underlying problems of drug addiction. Most of us know someone suffering from addiction. Our current approach to dealing with substance use disorders is falling woefully short, especially for those in the criminal justice system. Unfortunately, many drug addicts commit crimes to support their habit — the recidivism rate for drug offenders is alarmingly high, with nearly 70% getting rearrested within just three years of leaving prison. OPINION Our criminal justice system has little to no treatment programs for people with substance use disorders. The few programs they do have are overwhelmed with long waiting lists. So, while the addiction crisis worsens, we rely on county jails and state prisons as the primary treatment providers. But this is nonsensical. We cannot expect individuals with substance use disorders to recover behind bars. Without proper treatment and accountability for those committing felony offenses due to addiction, these individuals (and their loved ones) serve life sentences on an installment plan.