City Official Resigns After Creating ‘Doom Loom Walking Tour’ of San Francisco - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Aug. 28, 2023 – The sold out weekend tour was canceled and on Monday Ludlum resigned, saying it was all satire and, “the causes of the conditions we witness daily are not individual actors, but wide ranging policies that permit an organized, malicious element to thrive in San Francisco. The unchecked drug dealing is plainly the root of our current problems.”

Mayor Breed was quick to respond saying, “the decision to organize and publicize the tour was a mistake and a deep error in judgment. We are working every day to address the city’s challenges and our focus remains on doing the work to move this city forward.” 

Recovery advocate Tom Wolf has given dozens of free tours of the Tenderloin, downtown and the Market Street open-air drug markets to everyone from congressional reps to local officials.

“This is about raising awareness to change our cities policies, and to change the direction of San Francisco to help recover because we love San Francisco,” he said. “But charging for the tour? It sounds like a bit of a grift.”