Chet Hanks Reveals “Cokeheads” Advised Him to “Chill”  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


July 2, 2024 – “The drug I had the most problem with was just f–kingcoke, dude,”Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson’s son said on a recent episode of Bradley Martyn’s Raw Talk podcast. “I’m a f–king cokehead, straight-up.” While the 33-year-old clarified he doesn’t do cocaine anymore … “I would go do coke with the cokeheads,” he continued, “and they would be telling me, like, ‘Yo, chill, bro. Wait a second. Give it like 15 minutes.’”

He added, “I couldn’t get enough of that.”

And when he was 17, his parents—who noticed “such an abrupt change that it was concerning,” he said—staged an intervention.

“I wake up in the morning,” he explained, “it’s 4 o’clock in the morning and there’s two huge f–cking dudes standing at the foot of my bed, looking at me. And they go, ‘You’re coming with us.’”