Aug. 20, 2024 – “I know that because having lived experience myself, I can help ease a service user’s mind, make the process feel less clinical and help them to understand some of their needs and vulnerabilities. “Being visible and open to discussion, helps build professional rapport and reduce stigma. “The reason I came in to this was to help to make changes,” said Mr Major, who facilitates support groups and helps people start treatment.

Sunjay Patel, who has been alcohol free for the last six years, said his addiction started when he began abusing Tippex fluid and cannabis at school.

“No one knows the suffering I had to go through to get to this stage,” he said.

Mr Patel first smoked cannabis aged 14 and it spiralled into a life of alcohol, class A drugs, crime and prison.

“I was kicked out of school by 15 and went to work by the age of 18 and got hooked on crack and heroin.

“By the age of 21, was my first prison sentence. My life was basically over.