Boys, 12 being treated for online porn addiction WE had to walk 2 miles uphill to get porn – February 16, 2020 - kids of 12 can just click on to these porn sites and they are there in the middle of this extreme stuff.“ In the last five years I have n... Read More...Addiction RecoveryFeb 18 2020GamingSexual Addictionteenagers
Number of Homeless Students Rises to New High It Has Come To This! – February 3, 2020 - It was the highest number recorded in more than a dozen years, and experts said it reflected a growing problem that could negatively affect children’s academic pe... Read More...Feb 11 2020homelessRehabteenagers
Appropriate Care After Nonfatal Overdose in Teens Stunningly Poor Grown-ups at fault – January 14, 2020 - In the addiction treatment field, we actually don’t abide by the old adage of people having to “hit rock bottom” before they are ready to get treatment. This is somewhat ... Read More...Heroin AddictionJan 28 2020Overdoseteenagers