Can AA Evolve To Include Marginalized Members? - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 23, 2021 – All guests reference the 10th tradition of AA (which states: Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy), a tool often used by AA members to prevent others from sharing about topics in meetings considered to be “outside issues”. Shayla and her guests, L*, S* and K* discuss which “outside issues’’ are most often silenced, and how the COVID-19 pandemic became an asset as virtual POC recovery meetings popped up all over the world. In these meetings, members are welcome to discuss the issues that keep them emotionally sober without the threat of being shamed or silenced, but as the world slowly reopens, people of color in AA are starting to wonder if their virtual safe space will translate to the real world.
