Broadway Dancer Lost His Dream Job to Alcoholism + Addiction

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JULY 27, 2020 – He slowly began to rebuild, surrounded by family members who didn’t care how many Broadway shows he’d done, and he started teaching dance. 

Last fall, Leffler joined the national tour of My Fair Lady—but with a whole new approach to life as a performer. 

He’s restructured his days, getting up early to go to the gym and start being productive right away so that after the curtain comes down, he’s tired enough to go to sleep and recover for the next day.

He’s also surrounded himself with a strong network of sober people, and severed ties with some friends from the past. 

What’s more, his time in Ohio made him realize how much he loves teaching, and he has started prioritizing opportunities to do it more often. “The life lessons I’ve learned while doing this job… If I can help even one person make better decisions, it’s so worth it,” he says.

His advice for those struggling with alcoholism and addiction? Reach out and ask for help. At his lowest point, Leffler approached people in the industry who he knew were sober, and found comfort in knowing they understood what he was going through. “That’s why I’m very open about sobriety,” he says. “It opens up a channel for people to reach out to you.”
